
January 2025: Celebrating Sunset Park’s Immigrant Community


This month, Center for Family Life lifts up the incredible energy, potential and accomplishments of our immigrant community members who have come to Brooklyn from countries around the world. Our neighbors in community honor us with their trust and with their willingness to share their authentic selves. Whether they come to us to look for jobs, to learn about public benefits, to participate in our afterschool programs or to find support to build strong and loving families, our neighbors teach all of us at Center for Family Life so many invaluable life lessons about resiliency, determination and the joy of actualizing one’s fullest potential. We are grateful beyond words for the partnership of our community members and by their willingness to share their life stories, accomplishments and challenges with us. 

The community members whom we serve have contributed so much to making Sunset Park a truly exceptional place to live and grow. Just a few examples of the ways in which some of our very newest community members, working with our employment counselors have found their path to success in hospitality, homecare agencies, food service, security, construction, and as bilingual teachers’ assistants and even joining the Center for Family Life in people-facing roles!  

Undaunted by learning a new language, new types of jobs, and undeterred by learning to navigate a huge and complex city, our participants have inspired pride in their families and neighbors with the work that they have chosen to do and the contribution they have chosen to make to this city.  


This month we remember the wise counsel of the founders of Center for Family Life, and we submit that it is our honor and privilege to be given the opportunity to serve our neighbors. Our charge is to work in solidarity to encounter what some might call the grace, others might call the dignity and still others might call inestimable beauty of all people as they make their way through their lives in community.  


We continue our work with resolute determination and optimism, and we thank all who support our work for sharing their resources and encouragement as we draw strength and wisdom from fellowship with our neighbors. 


March: Advocacy Day in Albany


On March 14th, a group of Center for Family Life staff and program participants in our Community Study Circles ventured to Albany to present their advocacy priorities to elected officials!

Through funding provided by the Thriving Families, Safer Children Youth, Family, and Community initiative, we offered a series of Chinese and Spanish Community Study Circle (CSC) workshops, which were co-created and led by program staff with lived experience. These eight-week workshops used a popular education methodology to introduce community participants to community-specific and citywide data on education, housing, economic development, environmental issues, public sanitation, food access and child welfare participation. Group members explored the “story” that data tells about community experiences, contextualizing this data “story” in their own immediate and personal life experiences. Workshops culminated in final presentations to policy makers and elected officials, where participants shared their personal experiences and ideas for community strengthening!

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A significant highlight of our Community Study Circle program was our advocacy trip this March. CFL staff, including CSC group leaders, and Spanish and Chinese program participants travelled to Albany where they engaged directly with state officials to discuss policy recommendations and to elevate community priorities. Our team was incredibly grateful to meet with the offices of Senators Iwen Chu, John C. Liu, and Roxanne Persaud. Together, our team presented the collective concerns of the Chinese and Spanish communities in Sunset Park.


After their day of advocacy, we asked participants to share their reflections. Here is what they chose to share:

“Having participated in study circles at CFL gave me the opportunity to develop my leadership skills and proudly represent our Latino community in Albany. It was an experience that will be unforgettable for me. Our voice was heard, we carried a message and we were heard. Now it is up to the senators to work for our needs so that our community’s goals can be met!”

“For me, it was a wonderful trip and a great learning experience. It was my first time going to Albany, I am satisfied with my small contribution to our community. It is a phenomenal experience because of La Union Hace la Fuerza (strength in unity). God willing, the official electors can commit themselves to work for us and provide us with support for each topic and solution that we have presented.”

“It was great working with the Spanish speaking group, which allowed two marginalized groups to unite for such special cause. Thank you for inviting me!” 


This trip truly emphasizes the power of diverse communities coming together to expand their reach and impact. We are so proud of our CFL staff and program participants for voicing their concerns and advocating for changes in our community and throughout NYC!

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December: Holidays in Sunset Park

The holidays are an incredibly special time for family and friends to spend time together and celebrate, strengthening bonds and giving us all the chance to feel loved and appreciated. However, for those who are far from home, who have very limited financial resources even to satisfy basic needs, or who have no stable shelter or holiday gifts or food, the holidays can be a time where what we do not have and what we cannot give our children is especially painful.

This year has been difficult for many children and families in our community, as families with low wage jobs and little job security continue to deal with social, emotional and financial hardships as we move through the post-pandemic recovery. Since September 2022, thousands of new migrants have arrived in New York City. A majority of these families crossed the border with no belongings and are living in shelters or overcrowded apartments. Since these families are already experiencing significant financial constraints, most cannot afford warm clothing this winter, let alone holiday gifts and special meals.

To support our clients this season and to reduce their stress, we reached out to our friends, donors, our Board of Directors and community to help families celebrate the holidays!

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Our Community Services Program and Adult Employment Program have been busy this winter distributing warm clothing to clients. After hearing that many of our clients lack appropriate clothing for the cold, our generous donors and Board of Directors quickly helped us to purchase coats, hats, scarves and gloves to distribute. We are so glad that we can help to keep our community members warm this winter.

Each year, Center for Family Life’s Family Counseling and Adult Employment Programs purchase and accept donated gifts to give to our families in need. These items are delivered to CFL, wrapped and distributed to parents so that parents have gifts and toys to give to their children for the holidays. Thank you to everyone who supported the purchase of these gifts, the children were so excited!

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With your help, children and their families received gifts through our Family Counseling and Adult Employment Programs!


Every holiday season is busy for us here at CFL, especially for those in our food pantry who work extra hard to put together special food packages. In November, in addition to our regular distribution, our food pantry gave out 240 turkeys for families to take home for their Thanksgiving dinners!

We are truly so grateful to everyone who helped make this a joyous holiday season for our clients, we could not do this without your support. We are proud to have such dedicated partners and excited to continue to serve our wonderful community in 2024.

From all of us at Center for Family Life in Sunset Park, warm wishes for a

Happy New Year!

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November: Our Annual All Staff Retreat

On November 7th 2023, Center for Family Life held our Annual All Staff Retreat at MS 136/821. More than 325 staff from across our main office and ten neighborhood school sites engaged in a day full of thought-provoking and team-building activities. The Annual Retreat is a unique opportunity to refresh staff’s commitment to our agency mission while enhancing their knowledge about the community we serve and the different programs within CFL.

Prior to the Retreat, each program created a visual art piece to communicate what their program does and how it contributes to our work in the community.

School children's artwork in a collaborative art mural.

These pieces were then combined into one collaborative art mural that welcomed staff when they arrived in the auditorium.

The event began with a “Take a Stand” welcome activity where staff commonalities were highlighted, and each program team was introduced. Suddenly, the lights dimmed and staff were transported to the “Universe of Sunset Park,” as brave “superhero” staff flew down the aisle ready to take on leadership of 15 discussion groups (D Groups). As members of these smaller cross-program leagues of superheroes, staff joined forces in the mission to dismantle systemic inequity, promote social justice, and unleash the potential for growth and change.

Three women smiling with superhero masks.
Our superhero D Group leaders are energized and ready to guide staff on their mission.
An African American woman with a purple super hero cape and eye mask.

Once in their D Group headquarters, staff got better acquainted as they took on mini missions and group challenges. Together, they analyzed community district data, identified and mapped special features in Sunset Park, and pooled their knowledge about CFL’s different programs, sites, and staff roles. They then brainstormed ideas for new cross-site collaborations to meet the emerging needs in our community.  

Each staff member designed a personal emblem that became part of their

D Group’s colorful ray of energy. Later, as a final reveal at the culmination of the retreat, the full spectrum of sunrays created a spectacular backdrop combining each individual staff member’s “superpower” into an unstoppable force for good in Sunset Park.

Staff shared their final reflections in their D Groups over a delicious meal catered by Sea & Soil, a cooperative sandwich shop in Brooklyn formed by two former CFL staff members.

Our neon green D Group proudly displays their map of notable locations in Sunset Park that reflect our vibrant community.

The All-Staff Retreat concluded back in the auditorium with a recognition ceremony where staff members with educational milestones, including those who had recently graduated and those currently in college or grad school, were enthusiastically cheered and congratulated for their achievements.

Multi-Site Supervisor and SPHS Program Director Kristie Mancell recognized for her 20 years of service.

Staff were also recognized for longevity milestones including 16 staff celebrating 5 years. We were especially excited to honor 8 of our longest staff members with heartfelt speeches and personalized videos showing their journey and growth over 10, 15, 20 and 25 years of service.

Co-Executive Director Julia Jean-Francois awarded for her 20 years of service.
Program Coordinator (PS 503/506) Wanda Williams honored for her 25 years of service.

Thank you to our Board members, special guests, and dedicated staff for joining us on this special day and

Happy 45th Anniversary to Center for Family Life!